Saturday, June 27, 2009


At last BAL understands that caretakerGovt system contains serious flaws. And it should not continue.

Friday, June 26, 2009

২১৮৩ সনে ইতিহাস আরো বলবে:

বিশ্বাসঘাতক মঈনের সেনাবাহীনি
নিজেদের দায়ীত্বের কথা ভূলে গিয়ে জেনারেল মঈন সেসময় সিভিলিয়ানদের পিছনে লাগার জন্য তার সেনাবাহীনিকে নির্দেশ দেয়। সেসাথে জাতিসংঘের শান্তিবাহীনিতে অংশগ্রহনের টাকার লোভে মঈনের সেনাবাহীনি তার পেশাদারীত্ব হারাতে থাকে। তাই ২০০৯ সনের ২৫শে ফেব্রুয়ারীতে পিলখানায় আক্রান্ত হলে বিনা প্রতিরোধে অসহায় বালকের মত গুলি খেতে খেতে ৫৮জন সিনিয়র অফিসার মরে যায়। আর সেনাপ্রধান মঈন সাইডলাইনে নিস্ক্রিয় দাঁড়িয়ে থেকে তার এক তৃত্বীয়াংশ অফিসারদের হত্যাকান্ড উপভোগ করতে থাকে। ভারতের সেবাদাস যে সরকারকে জেনারেল মঈন ক্ষমতায় ছলে-বলে-কৌশলে এনে দেয় তারা সেনাবাহীনির অবশিষ্ট অংশকে বানিজ্যিক কাজে লাগিয়ে দিয়ে একদা গৌরবের সেনাবাহীনিকে ধ্বংসস্তুপে পরিনত করে। কার্যত এটা এমন এক সময় যখন স্বাধীন-সার্বভৌম বাংলাদেশের সরকার প্রতিবেশী বিশাল সম্শিলিত ভারতের আগ্রাসনের সামনে প্রতিরোধের বদলে অনুগত ভৃত্যের মত আচরন করে তার সার্বভৌমত্বের ভিত্তিমুল নাড়িয়ে দেয়। এবং তার পরবর্তী একশ ষোল বছর ধরে এ জাতিকে ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে জাতীয় মুক্তি সংগ্রামে নামতে বাধ্য করে।

Thursday, June 25, 2009


...In the begaining of the last century.......

… they provoked, created and guided the situation to the worse and ordered Gen Moeen to take control… … Like an obedient servant Gen Moeen stepped in and started to control and regulate everything by force from January 11,2007. The people were denied constitutional rights… … Moeen defied and shattered the constitution, constitutional rules, regulations, procedure and constitutional Bodies only to make the politics and political leaders crippled…… he lied and popular politicians were tormented, exiled, jailed. Moeen wanted to clear his way to absolute power. … … …mesmerizing Social, political and economy structures. … … Moeen failed to materialize his dream of absolute power... … Because, the conspirators considered him more fit to serve their interest if he remained inside as the chief of army… …

Moeen’s next mission… ruining the nationalist politics … anyhow bringing the defeated secular politics into power as per the secret deal with imperialist rulers of the then United India… …completed successfully…

Only 2 months after his ‘return to barrack’ Gen Moeen fully cooperated the sitting secular government successfully blowing up the security systems, which he was assigned to protect … … he was the army chief and he just stood by and watched the killing of 57 of his senior officers… … by miscreants and commandos from Indian Army…letting the killers enough time and opportunity for shooting, killing, torturing burning the dead bodies and the living families and letting the killers escaping unharmed without minimum confrontation … Thus Moeen fucked his mother country. That’s why Moeen became widely known as “mother-fucker”.

Had it been any country other than Bangladesh, or had it been any government other than Sheikh Hasina’s, Gen Moeen and his intelligence department were sure to face Court-Martial for such disastrous failure to protect the republic’s interest.

Instead, both of the government and army chief Moeen devoted themselves serving the interests of the then United India.

It's history and the people who rewarded Moeen by building "Gate of the traitor Moeen". Just like "nimakharamer deori" memorising Mir Zafar Ali Khan 240 years earlier.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Bangabandhu is the father of the nation. So this country belongs to Bangabandhu. He may be dead but his heirs are alive. Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) is there. So Bangabandhu’s living daughter Sheikh Hasina and BAL are the owner of this country and of the power of this country.

BAL will never tolerate anybody else in the power. For last five years, BNP held the power by force because, they say, they won majority of the parliamentary seats in the rigged election of 2001. Though Bangadesh Awami League shown stronger muscle and louder media voice, they did not respond to our call to give us back our power. Now, BAL will teach them a lesson.

Some elements go saying that BAL doesn’t follow democracy and democratic rules. They are ignorant. They should know that democracy itself has been patented to Bangladesh Awami League. So whatever BAL does that has to be democracy. You know Bangabandhu made BAKSAL in 1975 and exercised, they say, autocratic power. We call it democracy. Sheikh Hasina is the daughterl of that democracy. So, what else should be the ideology of her party! Awami house is full of democracy. Each and every leader and worker of BAL bears democracy full of mouh. You won’t find so much democracy anywhere else.

BAL doesn’t like hartal or oborodh. BAL knows that people suffer unthinkably. Moreover, hartal and oborodh strips people of their democratic rights. Bangladesh would never be liberated unless Babgabandhu did it. No other family gave so much blood for this country. Even then, these people did not cast their vote in favour of Bangabandhu’s party in 2001! They must not belong to this country. By casting their vote they robbed Awami League of the power of this country, they drove BAL away from the right to power of the country. BAL has no duty, no mercy to these people. They must suffer. And this treats them right.

Bangladesh Awami League doesn’t want constitution. Bangladesh Awami League doesn’t want democracy. Bangladesh Awami League doesn’t need them. Bangladesh Awami League needs only power. We have sent our neutral agents to the Advisory Council to make the Chief Adviser know that. But instead of listening to them he listens to the constitution. Chief Adviser, you better quit, you must quit. BAL will find its way to appoint an obedient and neutral Chief Adviser. He will arrange transfer of power to Bangladesh Awami League.

And that is the secret key to peace.

Friday, December 1, 2006


Around six months back there was news in the newspapers about an international conspiracy disclosed by one eminent person (Prof Muzaffar Ahmed). That the CTG would fail to fulfill the neutral demands of Awami League - and it would end its tenure with no elections. Some of the internaional bodies would step in to patronise formation of an “interim government” headed by an internationally well known person (Dr. Kamal Hossain), supported and encouraged by Awami League led by Sheikh Hasina. Situation favourable to BNP would change to situation favourable to Awami League. Then elections would be held. With Awami League in the power Dr. Kamal Hossain would be the President of the country. Prof Ahmed also mentioned that Dr. Kamal Hossain was the nucleus of the conspiracy. He is getting older and hasn't much time in hand before his death.


One Mr. Gautam from India wrote an article in the online edition of The Japan Times on 19th November about situation in Bangladesh. He explained that Islamic fundamentalists and militants are trying to grab power in Bangladesh and Sheikh Hasina’s movement is opposing. This may be a part of a larger propaganda mission targetted to create international consensus in favour of postponing the election due in January.



Bangabandhu is the father of the nation. So this country belongs to Bangabandhu. He may be dead but his heirs are alive. Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) is there. So Bangabandhu’s living daughter Sheikh Hasina and BAL are the owner of this country and of the power of this country. BAL will never tolerate anybody else in the power.

For last five years, BNP held the power by force because, they say, they won majority of the parliamentary seats in the rigged election of 2001. Though Bangadesh Awami League shown stronger muscle and louder media voice, they did not respond to our call to give us back our power. Now, BAL will teach them a lesson.

Some elements go saying that BAL doesn’t follow democracy and democratic rules. They are ignorant. They should know that democracy itself has been patented to Bangladesh Awami League. So whatever BAL does that has to be democracy. You know Bangabandhu made BAKSAL in 1975 and exercised, they say, autocratic power. We call it democracy. Sheikh Hasina is the daughterl of that democracy. So, what else should be the ideology of her party! Awami house is full of democracy. Each and every leader and worker of BAL bears democracy full of mouh. You won’t find so much democracy anywhere else.

BAL doesn’t like hartal or oborodh. BAL knows that people suffer unthinkably. Moreover, hartal and oborodh strips people of their democratic rights. Bangladesh would never be liberated unless Babgabandhu did it. No other family gave so much blood for this country. Even then, these people did not cast their vote in favour of Bangabandhu’s party in 2001! They must not belong to this country. By casting their vote they robbed Awami League of the power of this country, they drove BAL away from the right to power of the country. BAL has no duty, no mercy to these people. They must suffer. And this treats them right.

Bangladesh Awami League doesn’t want constitution. Bangladesh Awami League doesn’t want democracy. Bangladesh Awami League doesn’t need them. Bangladesh Awami League needs only power. We have sent our neutral agents to the Advisory Council to make the Chief Adviser know that. But instead of listening to them he listens to the constitution. Chief Adviser, you better quit, you must quit. BAL will find its way to appoint an obedient and neutral Chief Adviser. He will arrange transfer of power to Bangladesh Awami League.
And that is the secret key to peace.


Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) stands as the only and one neutral party in Bangladesh. The 11 demands BAL submitted to the president are also neutral. People who support and agree to the 11 demands are neutral.

The members of the Advisory Council, those who are nominated and sent by BAL, are neutral. While others are not.

President Iajuddin Ahmed fails to prove himself as neutral. If he fulfills the 11 point neutral demands he will become neutral.

And any neutral person must be certified by the head of the BAL.